

  • HTC Rehabilitation-Non-discrimination Statement 07-26-2013

  • Harrisburg Transportation Center Completed 07-02-2012

  • Welcome to the HRA website 07-01-2012

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    The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Harrisburg’s mission is to eliminate blighting conditions that inhibit neighborhood reinvestment, to foster and promote sustainable neighborhood revitalization and urban renewal, and to facilitate new business and housing development.

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    HTC Rehabilitation-Non-discrimination Statement

    HRA, as recipient of FTA funding for the rehabilitation of the HTC must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Accordingly, the following steps have or will be implemented to comply with Title VI:

    1. HRA will make it known to the public, via HRA's website and public notice at the HTC and main office, that those persons or persons alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin as it relates to the provision of the FTA funding for rehabilitation of the HTC, may file a complaint with the FTA and/or the U.S. Department of Transportation. The following statement shall be posted onsite at the HRA office and on the applicable websites, and other appropriate materials made available to the public:



    Harrisburg Transportation Center Completed

    The Pennsylvania Railroad completed this Queen Anne-style train station in 1887. Now known as the Harrisburg Transportation Center (HTC), Amtrak uses part of the main floor for its passenger operations. 



    Welcome to the HRA website

    In 1949, the Redevelopment of the City of Harrisburg was created by the state legislature. The federal, state and local governments provided funding to enable the


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